Successful launch of 10,000+ Chinese products,
Chengdu World Goods Award.


IPLKAC International Product Number Analysis Association

The number of uses has come up, the number of uses has come

5 countries

We have 5 national companies worldwide

10 years

10 years + cross-border electricity market tour

500 houses

500 jobs + domestic and overseas projects

3200th place

3200+ domestic and international sponsors


Real enterprise growth amount $39,300,000

2,000,000,000th order

Global publicity media exposure amount 20 yen + next


Our meeting room①

Standard product plate independent store

The company is an overseas company, the basics of product labeling and target groups, advanced UI / UX design, the building of a network, so that the customer can quickly decide on the target list, and the content and model of the improved network.
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Our meeting room②

Media accusation released

Overseas mainstream social media such as Facebook / Instagram, potential interest groups, fixed target list, standard broadcasting media notification, independent station flow, offer conversion rate.
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Our meeting meal③

IPLKAC certification

Provides all-round cross-border electric business consultants, knowledge and skills, and reduces investment costs.
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我们的服务 ④



Official cooperation gift


Partial collaboration example

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Example blog post

We are a wealthy family.

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